Monday, 6 July 2015

Not Your Victim.

Anyone who spends a fair amount of time on the internet or really has just come across people in general, knows it can be a brutal place. Everyone is allowed to have and express their own opinion and rightly so. Personally for me I know that being involved in communities such as Youtube has given me the opportunity to grow a thicker skin when it comes to harsh criticism in comment sections. Not only has it allowed me to care less when someone I have never (and likely will never meet insults me based on the trival things e.g. gender and race), through these experiences I am also learning continually how to respect opinions that differ wildly from my own. I can absorb someone else's viewpoint without automatically becoming offended by it.

Don't get me wrong I haven't always been able to do this, it has taken a lot work to reach this point and I still have a ways to go but something I have been noticing of late amongst the communities on social media like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, is a culture of over-sensitivity to criticism. By this I mean I have noticed some pretty irrational behaviours and wild overreactions to the opinions of those who exist outside their particular vacuum of censorship.

A lot of these groups fall into the category of SJWs also known as Social Justice Warriors. People who might truly believe they are the voice of whatever cause they are spear heading but often come off as defensive, racist, sexist and just wholly unpleasant and irrational. Their argument seems to consist of 'I feel oppressed, I belong to a certain group or groups e.g. minority or female, to that end, that entire group feels exactly the same as me, have I actually asked them? No I don't need to I just know. We have one big collective consciousness that allows me to strip them of their freedom to speak for themselves.' (As you can see I do not have a very high opinion of most SJWs) To me these kinds of people have way more power and control over the internet than anyone should ever be allowed to have. When it comes to online communities and social media platforms, censorship and privilege shaming are among the many 'duties' these SJW's preform. And most of the time, it is so unnecessary.

Ongoing examples of policing on the internet due to over sensitive SJW's can be found in forums that deal with hot button issues such as race (#checkyourprivilege)and Gender (#killallmen). Now my problem with these SJWs has as much to do with the way they attempt to 'educate' people on the internet about their so called privilege as it does with the negative impact this political correctness has on the 'groups' it is trying (and failing) to speak for.

The main issue with these types of internet police, is that they attempt to speak for ALL women (feminism) or they attempt to speak for ALL minorities. This leads to ridiculous claims on behalf of these oh so oppressed groups in society such as 'Colorblind racism is still racism. Recognizing it is Holy.' 
(Source Link

This particular statement deserves a whole other post of its own but I will just briefly say this about it. Not focusing solely on someone's ethnicity is not racism, its progress. People do not need to constantly be reminded they are different, chances are, they know it better than you. Who a person is, their strength of character has nothing to do with whether you recognise them by their race or not and to claim otherwise, is about as irrational as it gets. Not going out of your way to point out someone's differences isn't ignoring them, its perfectly reasonable to acknowledged they are different and then move on!

Now as a human being with her own thoughts and feelings on things, I find it just deplorable that anyone would dare to speak for anyone else without permission let alone attempt to sum how an entire group of people feel.

I reject the notion that because I am black and or female, that this automatically puts a glass ceiling up above me in terms of how far I can go and how much I can achieve in life . The bottom line is I am no oppressed, not as a woman and not as a black person not in this part of the world anyway (Western). If you act like a victim, the world will treat you like one. I have no intention of letting anyone make me a victim of my gender or my race, I am a person and how I chose to define myself is by the standards I set for myself not by the so called obstacles society has put in my way because of who I was born as.

It honestly makes me so angry when people try and tell me that I am oppressed. A. I am not oppressed, I have every right and every chance in life. B. If anything the only one who is trying to oppress me is you (person who thinks I am weighted down by my race or gender) I can't say it enough I truly believe that if you want to get anywhere in this world, rely only on yourself. Do not rely on feminism to get you there or SJWs to get you there. They might think they have your best interests at heart but at the end of the day, they are groups that speak as a group, for everyone in the group not for the individual. That's what's so crucial about my not being a feminist, it does not mean I don't want rights for women, it just means I'd rather not be bolted down by the so called 'patriarchy' that feminists think is holding them back. As far as I'm concerned, in the western world, the only thing holding back feminists is feminists and the only thing trying to hold back women and minorities while at the same time openly discriminating against white people/ white males are feminists and social justice warriors.

My voice not one voice. You might feel like a victim but I sure as hell don't, or at least not by the people you think (It's you making me feel victimized and babied by the way in case it wasn't clear) That is all for now.

Be kind to people, respect opinions that differ from yours.


The Girl In Blue