Wednesday, 24 August 2016
I could honestly just leave it at the title. I'm so fucking sick of hearing and reading about this supposed 'rape culture' we're all living in here in the western world. I mean when did rape become some socially accepted thing that everyone just gets away with or even gets congratulated for?
And I know that many of the arguments I've seen don't necessarily suggest that rapists get rewarded for rape, in fact, they seem to forget about the rapists altogether when talking about 'rape culture'. I have read many a feminist article that says that we live in a culture where women (who fucking else right?) who are victims of rape, are treated with contempt by society and shamed because of their label as a rape victim.
I'm calling poppycock on that! Let me break it down for anyone who doesn't understand what a rape culture is and why we sure as hell don't live in one.
Firstly when feminists talk about a rape culture they labour under the misapprehension that rape is not a crime here (UK, Europe, US.) It is. They also seem to forget that convicted rapists get some of probably the worst treatment in prison than anyone and its from OTHER INMATES. And that is because no one, not even other criminals think that rape is an acceptable thing to do to someone. Now tell me, what does it say about our society when even the most hardened criminals look down on rapists? Does it perhaps inform us that we do not live in a rape culture?
Secondly we should look at the punishments for rapists lets say in the UK (since that is where I live) and since I have heard the word rape culture be used to refer to the UK also (I swear this shit spreads like a fucking disease). If we lived in a culture that went easy on convicted rapists, could a convicted rapist be locked up for life? I think not.
This shit is so easy to understand if you only engage your brain and open your eyes. The other truck load of horse dung I hear feminists dumping all over the place is the idea that women are shamed by society for being raped. The amount of times I have listened to one of my feminist friends go off about how what the woman was wearing, whether she was intoxicated or where she was when it happened is the only thing people talk about and that they use it to shame the victim, and this is just not true.
In the mind of a feminist, it is 'abuse', 'harassment' to even question someone alleging that they have been raped and to even suggest that there are steps they can take to be more safe and aware of their surroundings, well that just makes you a raging misogynist.
To me simply stating that people have a responsibility to protect themselves as best as they possibly can, could only be misconstrued as victim blaming if you had your blinders on the whole time it was being said. Or if you're just wilfully ignorant.
Keeping yourself safe is your responsibility as a human. I can't ever remember my parents telling me that I'm dressed inappropriately and that if something happens to me then it is my fault, no woman I know has been told that by anyone. That's not to say it doesn't happen but not on a huge scale and those kinds of people are arseholes. However, I can recall times I have heard my parents warn my older brother to keep out of fights on nights out and stay out of trouble lest he get into some fatal incident. Are we going to claim we live in a fight culture, one that blames the victim (usually male) of a violent scuffle for simply walking by? No of course not because that is stupidity.
Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for your own actions, by claiming we live in a rape culture or that women taking notice of where they go who they go with and what they wear is just part of the patriarchy, we deny women agency and once again infantilise them. Aside from demonising men by putting the responsibility of 'not raping' on to them, what could be worse? Not to mention the fact that this notion ignores male victims of rape and female aggressors (and no I don't give a shit about the dictionary definition of rape.)
Let me put it this way. You could argue that if you park your car in a sketchy part of town, it would be wise to lock it once you've parked up right? It would be foolish to leave your car unlocked with the keys left in and expect no one to notice it and want to steal it.
Now if you're wanting to make the argument that this counts as blaming the victim, I implore you to think about how ludicrous it sounds to say to the thieves 'now, I know you already know its wrong to steal and you don't really care about the law and the consequences of stealing other people's shit BUT here, let me teach you some more about why its wrong to steal'
I mean if that doesn't sound fucking stupid to you, you may be a lost cause. And so let us turn our attention back to the idea of a rape culture. A feminist's solution to this so called crisis of rape, is to 'teach boys not to rape', this idea is so problematic and deserves its own post but since I don't really like to ramble, I'll skip to the point here.
Rapists gon' rape. It makes no sense to say that we should teach people not to rape because people are already taught right from wrong, the point of criminal activity is that they have decided not to care. Please just try and tell someone who is holding you at gunpoint trying to steal your ish that stealing is wrong and they should choose a better path, if they don't laugh you out of your expensive watch, they're doing it wrong. Also the notion that an entire gender should be treated like not one single one of them can be trusted to be decent law abiding citizens with morals is so wrong it hurts to even think about.
What gets me most heated about first world feminism banging on about 'rape culture in the first world' is that it overlooks the actual rape cultures that exist in developing countries, places where victims of rape are treated appallingly.
Here however, a woman only need accuse a man of rape and she has sealed his fate. I would never nor would any decent human being think to shame a victim of rape. It is one of the worst crimes to be committed against someone and that is reflected within the law and the treatment of rapists in society. I will never understand why feminists are so willing to hypothesise and try to kick up dust where there is none meanwhile real women (and men if you dare to care,) who are suffering worse fates than even the most staunch man hating third wave first world feminist could dream up.
Fuck you if you really believe there is a rape culture in the first world, you are deluded.
The Girl in Blue
Friday, 12 August 2016
Brief thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement.
Maybe I'm just getting old but it seems to me that certain words have lost all meaning. I'll explain to you what I mean shall I?
Words such as racist, sexist, misogynistic (a personal fav for the feminists of the internet.) I hear all these buzz words being thrown around carelessly all the time especially recently with the rise of the BLM (black lives matter movement). And I'm honestly having a hard time taking anyone who uses these words to describe someone who disagrees with them seriously. People are so scared to death of being labelled a racist these days that they'll go along with anything that they think will keep that label away from them and in the end, they still wind up being called a racist. And please allow me to clarify who exactly I mean when I say 'them/they' I mean white (usually males,) yes people they are the new target for hatred in today's society. Feminists love to dog pile them for their pale pigmentation and biological make up.These are the people I see being stoned most on the internet for having an opinion on anything SJW's think they should have no voice on. So now its racist to be against the violent BLM movement, a group of people whose culture (rap songs) applaud such behaviour but as soon as one of those pesky cops shoots a black american, it's police brutality.
Lets not address the countless cultural clashes among the African-American community and the police, let us not talk about the encouraged hatred and mistrust many African-Americans pass down to their children, the blatant disrespect and outright ignorance. Oh no! That would make us racist. not to mention the main and most important fact here that BLM would have you not known about, the fact that it is indeed African-Americans (young men) that commit WAY more violent crime than any other group in America despite being only a small percentage of the population. But no! Anyone white who comes at this with facts and logic and not emotion and white guilt will be labelled a racist and shut out of the conversation which is currently just a shouting match anyway. But Leah, you may be thinking, you're not white or male. Exactly! So is it still racist of me because I make those points? Not according to social justice warriors, I can't be racist and according to feminists, as a woman and a black one no less I can't even be sexist either. My point is, if being logical is a trait only associated to white people, I weep because I am clearly a white woman trapped in the body of a black woman from Oldham.
By denying these basic facts of life you deny black people the responsibility of their own actions, you belittle and condescend to them. That is racist.By denying the fact that women in the western world not only have equality but privilege, you infantilise women and make it so that they are never in control of their own choices and desires. That is sexist.
It is just so funny to me now that I see these words being directed at mostly well meaning people and yet the accusers are in fact the racist and sexist ones. Perhaps not intentionally but more dangerous still is the notion that they have no self awareness at all to know that by labelling certain groups as victims, they make victims out of them and render those people utterly incapable of self control.
It makes me sick and angry to see it happening, more than it does to see innocent people be labelled racist and sexist, it makes me shake to see that entire groups of people are being reduced to sub-human levels on the say so of a few angry black supremacists or feminists.
These words have lost all meaning and more to the point, the movements that champion the unfair dolling out of these words to people who don't deserve it, are meaningless. They act like they have the best interests of the people they speak for at heart, however, if that were true surely that would merit the realisation that everyone has a voice that should be listened to before attempting to represent it.
I guess I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop or for more violence to commence on behalf of what is lets face it, a black supremacy group in the same way feminism is a female supremacy group feigning equality.
Think for yourself and don't be an arsehole.
The Girl in Blue
Words such as racist, sexist, misogynistic (a personal fav for the feminists of the internet.) I hear all these buzz words being thrown around carelessly all the time especially recently with the rise of the BLM (black lives matter movement). And I'm honestly having a hard time taking anyone who uses these words to describe someone who disagrees with them seriously. People are so scared to death of being labelled a racist these days that they'll go along with anything that they think will keep that label away from them and in the end, they still wind up being called a racist. And please allow me to clarify who exactly I mean when I say 'them/they' I mean white (usually males,) yes people they are the new target for hatred in today's society. Feminists love to dog pile them for their pale pigmentation and biological make up.These are the people I see being stoned most on the internet for having an opinion on anything SJW's think they should have no voice on. So now its racist to be against the violent BLM movement, a group of people whose culture (rap songs) applaud such behaviour but as soon as one of those pesky cops shoots a black american, it's police brutality.
Lets not address the countless cultural clashes among the African-American community and the police, let us not talk about the encouraged hatred and mistrust many African-Americans pass down to their children, the blatant disrespect and outright ignorance. Oh no! That would make us racist. not to mention the main and most important fact here that BLM would have you not known about, the fact that it is indeed African-Americans (young men) that commit WAY more violent crime than any other group in America despite being only a small percentage of the population. But no! Anyone white who comes at this with facts and logic and not emotion and white guilt will be labelled a racist and shut out of the conversation which is currently just a shouting match anyway. But Leah, you may be thinking, you're not white or male. Exactly! So is it still racist of me because I make those points? Not according to social justice warriors, I can't be racist and according to feminists, as a woman and a black one no less I can't even be sexist either. My point is, if being logical is a trait only associated to white people, I weep because I am clearly a white woman trapped in the body of a black woman from Oldham.
By denying these basic facts of life you deny black people the responsibility of their own actions, you belittle and condescend to them. That is racist.By denying the fact that women in the western world not only have equality but privilege, you infantilise women and make it so that they are never in control of their own choices and desires. That is sexist.
It is just so funny to me now that I see these words being directed at mostly well meaning people and yet the accusers are in fact the racist and sexist ones. Perhaps not intentionally but more dangerous still is the notion that they have no self awareness at all to know that by labelling certain groups as victims, they make victims out of them and render those people utterly incapable of self control.
It makes me sick and angry to see it happening, more than it does to see innocent people be labelled racist and sexist, it makes me shake to see that entire groups of people are being reduced to sub-human levels on the say so of a few angry black supremacists or feminists.
These words have lost all meaning and more to the point, the movements that champion the unfair dolling out of these words to people who don't deserve it, are meaningless. They act like they have the best interests of the people they speak for at heart, however, if that were true surely that would merit the realisation that everyone has a voice that should be listened to before attempting to represent it.
I guess I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop or for more violence to commence on behalf of what is lets face it, a black supremacy group in the same way feminism is a female supremacy group feigning equality.
Think for yourself and don't be an arsehole.
The Girl in Blue
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