Saturday, 24 September 2016

Dear Black Lives Matter,

...Enough already with this 'Black Lives Matter!' bullshit. You're fooling no one. Well actually that's really my issue with you, you have been fooling people. Some of those people may even still believe that you are a well intentioned group simply looking for justice against police brutality.

 But here's the thing, I don't buy it. I never did and now you're showing your true colours, burning down people's hard earned businesses, their livelihoods and all before you've even watched the tape. Shame on you BLM, shame on you. Of course I realise that the recent 'protest' that happened was yet another example of how many people who claim to care about the lives of these 'innocent black men' quickly descend into violence.
I am reluctant to call what is happening a protest, riot seems better suited. I hope you realise that what you're doing as a movement as a whole is the exact opposite to what the civil rights movement was about. Yeah, while you're calling for the blood of police officers and putting criminals on a pedestal and making demands that resonate a time long passed (segregation,) the situation you thought was bad before, has now become a fucking shit storm.

I cannot even express my anger towards you BLM, your hatred towards white people ironically resonates the hatred you say is expressed towards your entire community on a near enough daily basis. You make my fucking skin crawl. This current riot that is occurring is just further proof that you have absolutely no idea what you're fighting for or against, you have just decided that being a victim is equal to being black. And god forbid anyone disagree with you who happens to not be black, they're racist and when black people disagree with you (as many do and more are beginning to,) you bring out the big racial slurs (coon, house coon, Aunt Jemima) and scream 'All aboard the coon train, choo choo!' but yet it is YOU who suffer racism?

I can promise you BLM that the only time I have ever been called the aforementioned names is when I come into contact with members of your hate cult. Funny how that works isn't it? I believe it to be delicious irony that destroys your narrative.

Also something that has not escaped my notice, is why is it your answer to an apparent unlawful killing is to behave like fucking apes (ooh so racist) and trash stranger's businesses? Why is it not to gather around that person's family and show them calm and non violent support in peaceful protests. The same thing happened here in the UK in 2011, what the fuck is it that makes you think it is ever a good idea and that it will get people to listen to you? You are pathetic and wrong, wake the fuck up, any legitimate concerns you ever had have now been invalidated by your foolish ignorant and needlessly violent actions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there are not problems between the black communities (pretty much everywhere,) and the police however, I fail to see how your approach is making anything better and that would be because you've made shit worse. You also fail to notice the problems within your own fucking community, like attitudes towards the police or hmm I dunno the disgusting rate at which young black men are killing one another.

So how about before you seek to look outwards to dole out blame for the problems of black people, you look within and realise that it is everyone but you that truly believes that all lives including black lives, matter.

Get your shit together (disband) and stop burning shit down.

Yours angrily,

The Girl in Blue

P.S Watch the fucking video, they told him to put the book down!

Monday, 19 September 2016

How much of a 'good person' is the average Social Justice Warrior?

Why do a lot of people hate Social Justice Warriors?

Well, I can't speak for everyone but from what I can gather from interactions I've both had and witnessed, it might be down to the fact that many of them (#notall) are fucking deplorable human beings (or non binary pony kin, I must watch my triggering language!)

This is something I've been thinking about for quite a while now. Are all Social Justice Warriors complete and total dickheads? Does that just come with the job of defending those poor innocent blacks, women, special snowflakes?

I looked up the definition of 'Social Justice' firstly and it was pretty much what I expected. But the discussion around the words are far more detailed than I thought possible. People have written bloody essays discussing the nuisance I mean nuance of social justice.

Anyway the very first definition I saw was this : justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

"individuality gives way to the struggle for social justice"

Buuut that didn't quite do it for me and so I scrolled down to the good old Urban Dictionary and found the way more accurate and amusing:
Promoting tolerance, freedom, and equality for all people regardless of race, sex, orietntation, national origin, handicap, etc... except for white, straight, cisgendered males. Fuck those guys, they're overprivileged no matter what.
"In the name of social justice, check your privilege."
And although this definition is the perfect and funny description of the loudest proudest most obnoxious social justice warriors, I still thought it could be bumped up just a notch and so I have my own to add.
Social Justice: Promoting equality by lowering standards and condescending to who they see as the oppressed and incapable groups of society, stripping them of their agency all the while virtue signalling about how noble and accepting they are, die white cis het male scum. (And anyone who disagrees with us is the following, Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Abelist and just overall human waste.)
I think these two definitions combined create a more pristine picture of a modern day social justice warrior. And now we move on to that three word slur.
 Social Justice Warrior.
Urban Dictionary again has a perfectly sarcastic yet accurate definition of a social justice warrior and they don't hold back. I'll link it here since it is quite long although I'm sure you can just google that shit.
I wonder if actual Social Justice warriors are aware of how most people see them? I would hazard a guess that if they are even slightly aware, it only emboldens them in their stance. 
But on to the question of whether an SJW can really be a 'good person' or even 'better' than a non SJW. 
I say it depends on the person. All of the ones I have encountered happen to come under the category of total arsehat. You know the kind? They go on and on about how this and that group is oppressed without ever showing any actual evidence in fact most of the time just by virtue of being able to complain about being oppressed on an open forum like uh I don't know THE INTERNET, it is blatantly obvious that they or the group they are shielding for are not oppressed. Now this is all part and parcel of the SJW  life, but what does my head in, is when I encounter a SJW who tries to tell me that I'm oppressed and when I disagree with them, they do one of two things (both make me want to smash them in the face with a table in equal measure, see equality!)

1. 'You don't speak for all black people and yes you do live in a systematically racist society its just that you have somehow managed to climb a bit higher. It doesn't matter though because you're still oppressed.

My translation of this?
I think of you as a sub human incapable of holding an opinion of your own without the use of group thinkers like me. In order for you to matter, I have to be here to call attention to you and hold your hand otherwise, who will care? You are not capable of social mobility like everyone else because the colour of your skin means that not only do I see you as lesser but so does everyone else. Why? Oh because of shit that happened 100's of years ago before any of our fucking grandparents were a twinkle in their parent's ball sacks. How do I know everyone else thinks this way? Well because they're white you dummy, they're automatically racist and at the same time better than you but I'm not racist for thinking this despite this being the very definition of racism because I'm just looking out for you.

I can't stress it enough. Fuck you if you think you can speak for an entire group of people. You can't and attempting to makes you look an absolute tool.You might not engage in 'typical racism' but your condescension is still, racist. At least typical racism is honest.This applies to all areas of social justice these morons touch. Feminism, BLM, Gaming. Just everything, fucking leave people alone.

2. 'Oh you're just a (coon, Aunt Jemima, house coon, self hating black, oreo, coconut, malteser, you just want to be white)'

This one happens mostly from other black SJW (black lives matter right?) And its no great shock that these types of people's only defence in the face of descenting opinion, reason and logic is to call names. It's this type of childish behaviour that makes it impossible for me to take people who call themselves Social Justice Warriors seriously.

It seems to me that most of these social justice fuckwits couldn't give two shits about the people their championing for, so long as the world sees them as 'good people' it doesn't matter that they are causing way more harm than good with their political correctness and race baiting. Ironically enough they too often ignore the voices of the so call 'oppresses' groups because they don't fit into their narrative, they're too successful, too willing to accept personal responsibility. This is why I hate Social Justice Warriors. I think if you care enough about social justice then you act on it but being an SJW is not so much about action, as it is about going with the tide despite the harm and using all the bullshit rhetoric (cultural appropriation, transphobic, triggered, fat activist, check your privilege.)

And I don't know maybe the 'good' SJWs are getting a raw deal here but I honestly doubt that shit. When there is nothing left to strive for in social equality, they reach for privliage, they seek to elevate one group above another. And the consequences of this? BLM's calling for fucking segregation! We're moving backwards! And they call this progress? No its regressive.

The average SJW is not a 'good' person but an attention seeking tumblr snowflake begging to be on the right side of history. What is worse, is that these people represent the left how the fuck did that happen? Its gotten to the point where I'm not even sure I want to call myself liberal anymore, I don't know what it means.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from regressive-ism, log off tumblr, put down your pronouns and take a fucking look outside. You may be surprised when you don't immediately get raped or triggered by the white guy with the dreadlocks minding his own business.

Make like that man, for heaven sake make like that man.


The Girl in Blue

Monday, 12 September 2016

I Hate Religion.

I hate religion.

I hate the way it dumbs people down and stops them from questioning the morally corrupt all for the promise of getting to 'heaven'.

I fucking hate the way it picks and chooses who deserves to live a healthy peaceful life while completely ignoring the suffering of millions of other 'faithfuls'.

I hate the way it serves to separate people into even more minuscule and pointless groups and makes them hate one another.

I hate the way it has certain people believing that they have the right to say, blow people up in the name of their sadistic child fucking prophet.

I hate that it has my lovely parents deluded thinking they'll see their parents and children in the after life.

I hate that it makes a mockery out of human intelligence.

I hate that my wonderful grandparents who have lived perfect lives 'faithful' to the cross and yet they're still being made to suffer.

I hate that people will tell me that this is part of God's plan to let them suffer and have me watch, helpless.

I hate that all the best qualities of human nature are attributed to being religious and all the worst qualities are just 'sin'.

I hate the concept of a soul, There is no such thing as a soul.

I hate that fear of death has created a mind set that doesn't appreciate the awesomeness of life.

Monday, 5 September 2016

A Black Guy Called Me a Coon... Discuss.

So yeah. A black dude on the internet called me a coon yesterday for disagreeing with him. And people think black people can't be rude as all hell? If you still think that after reading this (if you were ever that fucking stupid), what the fuck ever I guess no one can save you from yourself.

I was going about my casual internetting, watching YouTube videos and shit. When I came across a comment (as I do every single time I'm on YouTube,) that made me go WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS GUY ON. Now don't get me wrong, I know how pointless it can be engaging with total morons on the internet but give me a break I was bored, he was stupid, perfect match right?

Our encounter began with me telling this guy, who by the way had the most ridiculous online name ever, (totally caught me off guard that a guy with the word bubbles in his YouTube account name could even spell very well let alone could fling racially charged insults at strangers for doing fuck all) that his comment was moronic in my usual charming way.

Happy to leave it at that since I wasn't the only one who had noticed his utter bullshit just festering away in the comment section of a video that shock horror was about how someone who had been accused of being racist was in fact not a racist (seems to be happening a lot these days eh?)

That was until my phone flashed blue to let me know, my comment had been well and truly received and boy oh boy was this guy unhappy with me telling him he was wrong. His initial comment went something along the lines of 'I normally like your videos but I found this one offensive, possibly because your other videos didn't target my demographic and the truth makes my regressive brain shrink in denial' (Or at least that is how I read it.)

So I told him that if he was happy to play the victim his whole life that he should fuck off to the safe part of the internet where all the other kin, daffodils and special snowflakes live (Tumblr I think they call it.)

A pretty normal YouTube comment disagreement thus far. But this is where shit went sideways.

I'm getting bored writing this now so I'll skip to the highlights.

Okay so this guy is in the comment section talking about how he 'felt' (an important part of being a pussy) that the comment section was headed too much in the direction of 'fuck niggers' and he wasn't sticking around for it. It wasn't by the way just typical YouTube discussion going on name calling is part of it (stupid idiot.)

A few angry comment exchanges later after he has declared himself a black man who quote 'loves himself, his people and other people of colour' he would leave the rest to the 'Coons'

Blah blah a few comments later as a response to me telling him that BLM was a hate group he said 'The coon train is coming'

But what I found hilarious about our exchange (bar the whole fucking thing) was the absolute hypocrisy coming from this guy's keyboard, complaining about being name called based on the colour of his skin in the comments he then goes on to call someone who shares the same tone a racial slur. Even better than that, the prick actually tried to tell me it wasn't a racial thing and I should look it up. So I fucking did and I never found anything outside of shortening of Raccoon and a racial slur referring to black people.

I guess the whole loving his 'people' crap ends as soon as he meets a 'people' that doesn't agree with his victim bullshit. Funnier still, I had never in my life been called a coon by anyone until that moment.

Sadly this is not the first I have witnessed of this type of infighting among black people, just the other day a woman was bitching about interracial relationships and how black people were not emotionally equip to be in a relationship with a white person. Yeah... tell me again how black people can't be racist. And I'll just go and tell half of my entire family that they shouldn't exist being... black racists.

No great surprise that both of the aforementioned regressive retards were proud members of the terrorist hate group Black Lives Matter. In the face of facts they result to name calling, the same words that, if they had come from the mouth of someone paler, they would have no issue labelling them racist and pumping a black fist in the air.

What a fucking joke.

Fuck Black Lives Matter.

Love the logical and apparently 'coonish',

Girl in Blue.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Common Sense = Radical?

Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Anarchist. I like to think that common sense can be found someone among these four labels. However, it seems like common sense in less the norm and more of a radical way of thinking that only the most daring folk would engage in.

But why? Common sense should be exactly what it bloody sounds like, common, available to everyone and simple. And yet in recent years as I have gained more and more of this common sense stuff, people around me have appeared to view me as a more radical soul, someone who is loud and opinionated when it comes to things she feels strongly about.

What a load of codswallop is what I say to that. Applying common sense, reason and logic to every situation I come upon does not make me any kind of ground breaker. If anything all I aim to do is to make sense of the broken turf the enlightened ones who go before be leave behind.

Here are some commonsense statements I have said that have been received as though I were a fundamentalist fucking Christian planning to kill the Pope.

'Islam is a dangerous Religion.'

'I think that religious is cancerous.'

'The Black Lives Matter movement is a fucking terrorist hate group.'

'Feminists are sexist and annoying.'

Social Justice Warriors are racist and annoying.'

'Fuck that girl/guy and her/his pronouns.'

'The Young Turks are regressive scum.'

'Being a fat activist is not an actual thing, an oxymoron and you are just a moron.'

So you tell me, is there anything particularly 'triggering' or 'explosive' about those statements? I don't think so and people who have an abundance of common sense are likely to agree however, since I am not a fucking SJW and I don't like to speak for people, I would be interested to know if anyone agrees or disagrees with me on any of the aforementioned statements.

Let me know, if you dare.


The Girl in Blue.