So yeah. A black dude on the internet called me a coon yesterday for disagreeing with him. And people think black people can't be rude as all hell? If you still think that after reading this (if you were ever that fucking stupid), what the fuck ever I guess no one can save you from yourself.
I was going about my casual internetting, watching YouTube videos and shit. When I came across a comment (as I do every single time I'm on YouTube,) that made me go WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS GUY ON. Now don't get me wrong, I know how pointless it can be engaging with total morons on the internet but give me a break I was bored, he was stupid, perfect match right?
Our encounter began with me telling this guy, who by the way had the most ridiculous online name ever, (totally caught me off guard that a guy with the word bubbles in his YouTube account name could even spell very well let alone could fling racially charged insults at strangers for doing fuck all) that his comment was moronic in my usual charming way.
Happy to leave it at that since I wasn't the only one who had noticed his utter bullshit just festering away in the comment section of a video that shock horror was about how someone who had been accused of being racist was in fact not a racist (seems to be happening a lot these days eh?)
That was until my phone flashed blue to let me know, my comment had been well and truly received and boy oh boy was this guy unhappy with me telling him he was wrong. His initial comment went something along the lines of 'I normally like your videos but I found this one offensive, possibly because your other videos didn't target my demographic and the truth makes my regressive brain shrink in denial' (Or at least that is how I read it.)
So I told him that if he was happy to play the victim his whole life that he should fuck off to the safe part of the internet where all the other kin, daffodils and special snowflakes live (Tumblr I think they call it.)
A pretty normal YouTube comment disagreement thus far. But this is where shit went sideways.
I'm getting bored writing this now so I'll skip to the highlights.
Okay so this guy is in the comment section talking about how he 'felt' (an important part of being a pussy) that the comment section was headed too much in the direction of 'fuck niggers' and he wasn't sticking around for it. It wasn't by the way just typical YouTube discussion going on name calling is part of it (stupid idiot.)
A few angry comment exchanges later after he has declared himself a black man who quote 'loves himself, his people and other people of colour' he would leave the rest to the 'Coons'
Blah blah a few comments later as a response to me telling him that BLM was a hate group he said 'The coon train is coming'
But what I found hilarious about our exchange (bar the whole fucking thing) was the absolute hypocrisy coming from this guy's keyboard, complaining about being name called based on the colour of his skin in the comments he then goes on to call someone who shares the same tone a racial slur. Even better than that, the prick actually tried to tell me it wasn't a racial thing and I should look it up. So I fucking did and I never found anything outside of shortening of Raccoon and a racial slur referring to black people.
I guess the whole loving his 'people' crap ends as soon as he meets a 'people' that doesn't agree with his victim bullshit. Funnier still, I had never in my life been called a coon by anyone until that moment.
Sadly this is not the first I have witnessed of this type of infighting among black people, just the other day a woman was bitching about interracial relationships and how black people were not emotionally equip to be in a relationship with a white person. Yeah... tell me again how black people can't be racist. And I'll just go and tell half of my entire family that they shouldn't exist being... black racists.
No great surprise that both of the aforementioned regressive retards were proud members of the terrorist hate group Black Lives Matter. In the face of facts they result to name calling, the same words that, if they had come from the mouth of someone paler, they would have no issue labelling them racist and pumping a black fist in the air.
What a fucking joke.
Fuck Black Lives Matter.
Love the logical and apparently 'coonish',
Girl in Blue.
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