Friday, 27 January 2017

Talking About Abortion.

As important an issue this, my views on it are quite clear. Or they are to me at least. I am outwardly, pro-choice.

WAIT! Before you look away denouncing me as some sort of baby killer unworthy of your time please grant me a few moments more of your time to explain my opinion to you as plainly as possible.

I think that it should be the choice of the (hopefully) the two people involved in conception as to how they decide to proceed. It is after all, going to change their lives primarily, if not only their lives. I am not naive, I understand that many of the pro-choice arguments consist of people (usually women, usually feminists) screaming IT'S MY BODY, MY CHOICE! But I'm not going to do that because I know that something this complex should ideally involve more than just the woman.

I think people should have the choice, the option to get an abortion. I think this because I know of many people who have been in unimaginable situations that such as a victim of rape and another friend who was way too young and mentally unstable to raise a child alone.

I hate when I hear pro-lifers (normally religious people,) dismiss and vilify women or couples who have opted for an abortion as 'baby killers' or 'monsters' because the notion that the only people on the planet who would ever get an abortion are simply irresponsible heathens who hate children and just don't want the hassle is such a narrow minded view.

However, I can see it from the perspective of a pro-lifer (a religious one) the people who strongly believe that by having an abortion, you are harming a life given unto you by God. I get that, I've had that explained to me and I think I understand it as much as an atheist possibly can.

It would be genuinely interesting to speak with a non religious pro-lifer and see where their objections lie so if there is anyone who comes across this that fits that description I'd really love to hear from you. Obviously ALL opinions are welcome, I think it can only be a good thing to talk about something as serious as this and I'm hoping what I am about to say will encourage pro-lifers to share their opinions with me.

Yes. On the whole I think abortion should be an option to everyone. I think that taking away people's right to choose is harmful. To do it based upon an ancient book, well that would be ridiculous. Debates about who should have to fund them is obviously important because if you're pro-life, I imagine the thought of your money going towards something you are strongly against is infuriating.
And as I mentioned earlier discussions about the involvement of men (potential fathers) is more important still, what are their rights (none) and what should their rights be (certainly more than none, right?) but then how would you go about putting that into law without violating other human rights?

For me personally, the thought of ever getting an abortion terrifies me, I don't think I could do it. On a personal level, knowing myself I just don't know if I could stand the trauma of it or the guilt that I've witnessed a friend experience after she had an abortion. It never goes away. And I like to think that I will always be careful enough to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or be able to look at all other options thoroughly if it did. For ME it is a last resort.

And I would like to say that for most people (not crazy feminists,) abortion isn't just some random easy way out, two second thought thing. For most of the people that do it, it isn't a source of pride for them, they don't run home to tweet about it in glee, it is taboo, it is a shame and source of guilt and sometimes regret. To ignore those people when you rant on about 'baby killers' is to not understand the heaviness of that kind of decision.

I choose not to judge people I don't know for making decisions I hope I never ever have to make. And yes I'm sure I'll have someone say 'well what about the life that doesn't get to choose?' and to you I say (and you probably won't like this) legal abortions at least here in the UK, have to occur before the fetus can even become a baby. I often encounter pro-lifers with ridiculous pictures of alleged 'full term abortions' as if that is the norm and not something that happens on back streets illegally. And to those people I would also say, that making abortion illegal anyway will not prevent people from having them, it will just make it unsafe and their will be many more 'full term abortion' pictures for you to throw at pro-choices while you call them baby killers.

I would much rather have people properly treated when they make the decision that for most of them will be one of the hardest things they'll ever do rather than have to risk their lives in order to have control of their own lives. Yes there are people who are just plain irresponsible and those awful people who brag about having an abortion like it is nothing, it is not nothing. To the people to have had an abortion under pained circumstances, it is not nothing. And the pro-choices who brag about it, only seek to undermine those people's experience.

I hope any pro-lifers who may read this do not feel I have attacked them. I've tried to be as fair as possible, this is just my humble opinion, please feel free to disagree with me, I welcome it. It is only through having conversations with people who have differing views on this topic that I have been able to see it from their perspective and have softened on some things. The topic of abortion is one that is very close to my heart as it is for many people, its easy to get 'passionate' about it during discussions with others, I only ask that name calling (from either side) is kept out of it, nothing can be achieved that way.

Thank you for reading.


The Girl in Blue

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Atheism, Clearing Some Things Up.

As an Atheist, I do not believe in God.

As simple as most intelligent people find this to be, I still come across some who find it to be mighty confusing. So here I am, your friendly neighbourhood Satani- I mean Atheist to clear up any confusion you 'Believers' might have.


Now, why wouldn't a non-belief in God extend to Satan? No really I wanna know because the amount of times I have been threatened with hell, you would think I'm his biggest fan! What makes you think that if the notion of a magical sky daddy watching over us all, with absolutely no evidence of its existence outside your personal experience is incredulous to me, that Satan makes total sense? The same Satan for whom there is just as much evidence for as a God?

Furthermore, Satanists are a group of people who worship Satan, Atheists do not believe in Satan ergo, we cannot worship him! Get it? Got it? Good. Lets move on shall we?


Lets clear this up people! Atheism does not equate to Satanism. Atheists do not believe in God or Satan or Heaven or Hell or anything you may feel the need to threaten me with upon discovering my Atheism. So stop wasting your breath. Threatening me with hell has the same impact on me as threatening me with coal from father Christmas for being 'naughty'.


One of my personal favourites. The idea that because I do not adhere to an ancient book written by who the heck knows, I have no morals. Of course the sweet beautiful irony is that it is in fact in spite of say the Bible that I have morals. An understanding of wrong and right and an ability to apply them em-pathetically. Whenever a christian tells me that I or all Atheists have no morals because we have chosen to stray from God and if we do not believe in God or that we were created with a distinct purpose, so why would we bother to be good people, it always makes me question their intelligence.

Let me put it this way. I do not believe that we were created by a God with a plan and purpose for us, but that does not leave my life void of meaning. I find purpose and meaning in the world around me, my hopes and dreams, my friends and family and other people who I see striving to achieve great things. That is where my purpose lies, in living and being the best person I can be. And why? If I don't believe in God should I care about being a 'good, moral' person? Because when people behave kindly and respectfully towards each other, that benefits society as a whole and what benefits society, benefits me.

Now what a typical Godless, heartless answer right? Wrong, I also strive to be a good person because I am a compassionate human being able to sympathise and empathise and care for others. The cold hard science of it, is everything I just stated but just because I acknowledge this, doesn't make me any less moral than a Christian.

I would even go so far as to say, it makes me MORE moral. Yes MORE. I am good because I want to be, yes there is a satisfaction that comes from doing good but it goes no further than that. There is no fear of eternal damnation pressuring me to do moral actions. The law and my own moral compass built up by the society I was raised in, is good enough for me. But for believers? You are merely driven by fear of hell or hope of reward in heaven. How does this make you more moral, because you are working for your own self interest just as much as anyone else.

Morality changes over time in the societies in which we live, this is the only way you can stay moral. Clinging to an ancient book for your morals makes you immoral. A book that calls for the damnation of homosexuals, that condones slavery and rape. This is where you get your morals from? They do not change they are in a book, society changes, evolves but if you follow the book how can you claim to be moral at all let alone more moral than I?

Just something to think about.


I cannot hate what I do not believe in, no more than I can fear what I do not believe in. This point has really already been done to death in this post so this is all I will say on the matter.

I love science and reason I am happy to be an Atheist and while I am not claiming to know, I am simply stating that lack of evidence makes it improbable.

Hope this helped someone.


The Girl in Blue

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Reasons Why I Don't Need Feminism.

Let's just jump straight into this shit.

1. I am lucky enough to be living in the Western world where I have the same rights (and at times more) rights as/than men.

2. I am responsible for my own actions and can think for myself.

3. I know that other women can also do the same.

4. I am not a toddler who needs her hand holding, I am a grown woman.

5. Manspreading does not trigger me.

6. I respect men too much to align with a movement that actively tries to strip them of their rights.

7. I like dudes.

8. Rape Culture is NOT a thing here.

9. Women are usually the biggest critics of other women, not men.

10. I don't want any sons I may have to grow up thinking that their very existence is oppressive to me or any woman or to be ashamed of being a man (e.g. grow up to be a 'male feminist.)

Monday, 2 January 2017

I'm Black, You're Black... So What I Don't Owe You a Thing.

I pretty much live on twitter these days. I like the people that follow me and (obviously,) the people I follow. I find that despite it's murky and sometimes disappointing terms and conditions on free speech and hate speech, it is the best social media website to have open discussions on. Even if we have limited characters.

 I have had many intriguing, infuriating and sometimes down right hilarious interactions with all types of people ob Twitter. I like to debate especially with people I disagree with and sometimes they even reply back in using words that are not ad hominems!

But something that is interesting to me is that I only even encounter racism or comments about my race from other black people, well I assume that they are black because of course they hide themselves behind cutesy usernames like Simba234 or Killallwhitepeople99 and they NEVER use their own pictures. My real name and picture is my twitter username and I feel no need to hide. Perhaps having #Alllivesmatter and BLM is a hate group in my bio is what attracts these pussified twitter eggs to my feed, I don't know. All I know is they seem to pull apart their own arguments each and every time they hurl racially motivated insults my way, all the while proclaiming that BLACK LIVES MATTER and that they are 'Liberal.'

At times, I have to pinch myself because the hypocrisy is just too delicious to handle.

My most recent encounter was with a charming fellow, aptly named LeftWingStalin (feel free to look him up and see for yourself.) And while the term troll is most used by morons to describe those who simply disagree with them, for Mr/Miss LeftWingStalin, I feel it is appropriate. On his feed are just tweets filled with hateful bile spewed at random people utterly unprovoked. They are the very definition of a shit poster.

However, I am the very definition of a person with too much time on their hands and so when my card was called to be judged, schooled and shamed by this anonymous person, I did not go gently into the night. Don't get me wrong, I was civil (I had to hold my tongue,) but I did no name calling.

I was put to task over my bio (I told you! 'My bio brings all the black racists to the yard and they're like YOU'RE A RACE TRAITOR!') Hmm doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it? Anyway, the subject of white nationalism came up quite a few times, I denied it and begged relevance to case (I should have linked my post about individualism but I don't think they would have read it.)

It just always baffles me why people seem to think that because I am black, I should automatically subscribe to tribalism and jump aboard the black train, singing Motown songs and rocking an afro comb and black power T-shirt. If I do not personally know you, white, black or fucking martian, I owe you nothing so you get nothing. If I saw a black guy I'd never met mowed down in the street, would I feel sympathy for him, of course I'm not a complete sociopath (despite the rumours,) but I would feel no worse for him than I would watching anyone of any other race be run over. This of course is just an analogy but hopefully it gets my point across.

Once I make it plain to these people that my thoughts are my own, I then find myself fending off accusations that my common sense and lack of emotional attachment to total strangers who just happen to share my skin colour make me a 'self-hating black, house coon', or any other disgusting implication.

I am fucking sick of defending my intelligence and awareness, my ability to separate race from culture and feelings from facts and being racially attacked for being smart. They do themselves and me a great disservice by implying that my views come from white people, as though they are the only race who are able to detach themselves and see shit for what it really is. But naturally, these people fail to see how truly racist they are being. The racism of no expectations, of listen and believe. I hate that shit and I will never apologise for not giving a shit about people I don't know.

These supposed 'liberal' victims are so damn used to pushing the 'poor black people' narrative and shaming any non blacks for calling them out on it, that it pains them and makes them bitter when they encounter other black people undermining their bullshit. All they have to fall back on is their race card and boy do they love to play it.

Fuck BLM, fuck racist blacks (and racists whites, browns, because you just know someone is dying to catch me out as an oreo.)

Fuck you LeftWingStalin keep coming for black people who are unafraid of their voice, you won't fucking win.


The Girl in Blue