Monday, 2 January 2017

I'm Black, You're Black... So What I Don't Owe You a Thing.

I pretty much live on twitter these days. I like the people that follow me and (obviously,) the people I follow. I find that despite it's murky and sometimes disappointing terms and conditions on free speech and hate speech, it is the best social media website to have open discussions on. Even if we have limited characters.

 I have had many intriguing, infuriating and sometimes down right hilarious interactions with all types of people ob Twitter. I like to debate especially with people I disagree with and sometimes they even reply back in using words that are not ad hominems!

But something that is interesting to me is that I only even encounter racism or comments about my race from other black people, well I assume that they are black because of course they hide themselves behind cutesy usernames like Simba234 or Killallwhitepeople99 and they NEVER use their own pictures. My real name and picture is my twitter username and I feel no need to hide. Perhaps having #Alllivesmatter and BLM is a hate group in my bio is what attracts these pussified twitter eggs to my feed, I don't know. All I know is they seem to pull apart their own arguments each and every time they hurl racially motivated insults my way, all the while proclaiming that BLACK LIVES MATTER and that they are 'Liberal.'

At times, I have to pinch myself because the hypocrisy is just too delicious to handle.

My most recent encounter was with a charming fellow, aptly named LeftWingStalin (feel free to look him up and see for yourself.) And while the term troll is most used by morons to describe those who simply disagree with them, for Mr/Miss LeftWingStalin, I feel it is appropriate. On his feed are just tweets filled with hateful bile spewed at random people utterly unprovoked. They are the very definition of a shit poster.

However, I am the very definition of a person with too much time on their hands and so when my card was called to be judged, schooled and shamed by this anonymous person, I did not go gently into the night. Don't get me wrong, I was civil (I had to hold my tongue,) but I did no name calling.

I was put to task over my bio (I told you! 'My bio brings all the black racists to the yard and they're like YOU'RE A RACE TRAITOR!') Hmm doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it? Anyway, the subject of white nationalism came up quite a few times, I denied it and begged relevance to case (I should have linked my post about individualism but I don't think they would have read it.)

It just always baffles me why people seem to think that because I am black, I should automatically subscribe to tribalism and jump aboard the black train, singing Motown songs and rocking an afro comb and black power T-shirt. If I do not personally know you, white, black or fucking martian, I owe you nothing so you get nothing. If I saw a black guy I'd never met mowed down in the street, would I feel sympathy for him, of course I'm not a complete sociopath (despite the rumours,) but I would feel no worse for him than I would watching anyone of any other race be run over. This of course is just an analogy but hopefully it gets my point across.

Once I make it plain to these people that my thoughts are my own, I then find myself fending off accusations that my common sense and lack of emotional attachment to total strangers who just happen to share my skin colour make me a 'self-hating black, house coon', or any other disgusting implication.

I am fucking sick of defending my intelligence and awareness, my ability to separate race from culture and feelings from facts and being racially attacked for being smart. They do themselves and me a great disservice by implying that my views come from white people, as though they are the only race who are able to detach themselves and see shit for what it really is. But naturally, these people fail to see how truly racist they are being. The racism of no expectations, of listen and believe. I hate that shit and I will never apologise for not giving a shit about people I don't know.

These supposed 'liberal' victims are so damn used to pushing the 'poor black people' narrative and shaming any non blacks for calling them out on it, that it pains them and makes them bitter when they encounter other black people undermining their bullshit. All they have to fall back on is their race card and boy do they love to play it.

Fuck BLM, fuck racist blacks (and racists whites, browns, because you just know someone is dying to catch me out as an oreo.)

Fuck you LeftWingStalin keep coming for black people who are unafraid of their voice, you won't fucking win.


The Girl in Blue

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