Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Middle Age Men.

This post is going to be an angry one so buckle up.

I am so sick of middle aged men who can't decide whether they want to fuck me or parent me. I'm also sick of the amount of shit my generation gets for being selfish, weak and any number of other negative adjectives and descriptors. The generation above us is pathetic. Childish, at times sexist men playing dress up as open minded to get younger women lurk around every corner. Not because they want to relive their youth or even maybe (and sadly,) because they wish to prove that they quote 'still have it' but because they think we are easier to manipulate, degrade and control. Not I said the cat (me being the cat in this situation). Fuck that and fuck them. Don't get me wrong, males my age can be immature and flaky as all get out but by gum if older men don't give them a run for their money in who can act the least like their age.

Recently, I have seen an increasing amount of men hiding behind a more laid back and open minded facade, reveal their true colours. It may only have been a flash of anger, a hint of bitterness but I saw it and it was enough to raise a red flag. Being older shouldn't mean your world view is given more merit than that of a person younger than you mostly because it doesn't mean your view is any good. Take for example the very ugly prejudices that older people are more likely to carry around in their back pockets, bringing them uninvited to family parties and falling back on the age old excuse of 'it was a different time back then.' Your age doesn't make you better than anyone, it doesn't 100% of the time mean that you have all the right answers, sometime you're just too old and too bitter to get it and that's fine but there is a difference between wisdom and age and for some folk, never the twain shall meet.

My body, my mind, my mouth. Don't like it, fuck off  because I have a father and he doesn't act anything like any of you lot.

Rant over.

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